
From Buddha-Nature

Sanskrit Noun


freed effect

Basic Meaning
One of the five types of effects, or fruitions. It refers to an effect that arises from removing that which obscures or hinders it.

Term Variations
Key Term visaṃyogaphala
Topic Variation freed effect
Tibetan བྲལ་འབྲས་  ( drel drey)
Wylie Tibetan Transliteration bral 'bras  ( drel drey)
Devanagari Sanskrit विसंयोगफल
Romanized Sanskrit visaṃyogaphala
Buddha-nature Site Standard English freed effect
Karl Brunnhölzl's English Term result of freedom
Richard Barron's English Term disjunct result, result of disengagement/ divestment
Jeffrey Hopkin's English Term separative effect, effect which is a state of separation
Ives Waldo's English Term result of separation
Term Information
Source Language Sanskrit
Basic Meaning One of the five types of effects, or fruitions. It refers to an effect that arises from removing that which obscures or hinders it.
Term Type Noun
Tshig mdzod Chen mo 'bras bu lnga'i nang gses/ shes rab kyi stobs kyis rang gi spang bya zad pa'i 'bras bu ste/ 'phags pa'i lam bsgoms pas nyon mongs pa spangs pa'i cha'o/
Synonyms sbyangs 'bras